WebTutor is donationware
For most of their life (since 1996), the tutorials here have been free for the taking. All you needed was a little spare time and the willingness to learn.
I'm torn between two ideals. One, to give back and to freely share what I know with anyone willing to pull up a chair and learn. Knowledge can and should be freely accessible. We all must do our part. That said, as we float back to Earth, we find that day to day life imposes real pressures and predicaments. Sometimes those pressures can cause our ideals to wear a little thin.
So, here's the deal... the tutorials are free for the taking. Help yourself as you wish. But, if they help you, if they save you the cost of a book, if you go on to get a great job because of your new found knowledge, I would like to ask you for a $10 payment. If you can't afford $10, then only send $5. Whatever you think they are worth, whatever you can afford.
Keep in mind payment is 100% voluntary. If you don't have any extra money right now then don't worry about it. Use the stuff with a clear conscience. Send something later if and when you can. If you'd like, you can always visit one of our advertisers while you come by... it's up to you.
As before, the tutorials are freely distributable. You may re-post them on your public website or private intranet. You may include them in software collections on CD. If you are a teacher, you may use them freely in your classes.
Have fun and good luck!
Joe Barta
1209 E 357th Street
Eastlake, OH 44095
Any form of payment in any currency is fine.
Cash wrapped in one or two pieces of paper is perfectly safe.
My sincere thanks to those that have sent in payments.